Columnist-Book Writer, Voice Actor
Presenter, Life Coach
It's easy to write you a poem,
Allow me to tell the poem about you...
I have gathered poems for you inside myself.....

This is me
Born in 1982, His passion for microphones started with radio programming during the cassette era (1997-2003). After 15 years of a white-collar business life, he decided that from that moment on he was going to devote himself to writing and reading, always with an imprinting of service. Acting with the passion of an amateur spirit, but performing with the meticulosity and the mastery of a professional, with fondness and sense of belonging. He is a poetry worker, a literary geisha who tries to carry out to perfection the work he falls in love with.
Engin Dal, known as "Seslenen Adam" (literally 'the calling man')
Columnist-Book Writer
(the act of writing)
Voice Actor
Introducer & Presenter Creative

It's easy to write you a poem, Allow me to tell the poem about you...
Merhaba! Şiir, dilin ritmik ve imgeli kullanımıyla oluşturulan edebi bir türdür. Şiirin birçok türü vardır, bunlar arasında lirik şiir, epik şiir, pastoral şiir, satirik şiir ve daha birçok tür bulunur. Şiir örnekleri arasında William Shakespeare'in Soneleri, Edgar Allan Poe'nun The Raven'ı ve Nazım Hikmet'in Memleketimden İnsan Manzaraları gibi eserler yer alır. Şiir analizi, şiirin dil, tema, biçim ve anlatım özelliklerini inceleyerek anlamını çözmeye çalışır. Şiir sanatı ise şiirin yaratım süreci ve teknikleri hakkında bilgi verir...
Hello! Poetry is a literary genre created by the rhythmic and imaginative use of language. There are many types of poetry, such as lyric poetry, epic poetry, pastoral poetry, satirical poetry, and more. The analysis of poetry is done by examining the language, theme, form, and meaning of the poem. Poetry examples can be selected from different types of poetry for analysis. Poetry art is the use of techniques in writing and reading poetry.
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